

Auto Buy Authors?

I just came across a whole bunch of videos on youtube about booktubers telling us of their 'auto buy authors' .. what?

It made me think, I don't have an author that I love so much that I'd automatically buy and love all of their books. They may have amazing writing skills and they may have books out that I love, but that doesn't mean all of their books will be great. I don't entirely understand this.

A few authors popped into my head, until I realised... they both only had one series out. So is it the author that I love for writing this amazing series, and would I buy everything that they write? Or is it just the series that I love?

Marissa Meyer with the Lunar Chronicles series. That series is one of my favourites, and it's something that I would actually love to re-read (and I'm not a big fan of re-reading books I've already read, so it says something about my love for this series) but does that mean I'd love everything else she's going to write? I'm not sure. Maybe. Maybe not.

The last author that came into my head was Michelle Hodkin. Again, the Mara Dyer trilogy is one of my favourites, if not, my most favourite trilogy... ever. But that's the only series she has published, so is it her or is it just that one series? I was browsing her website, when I came across her post of how she came up with the ideas for the series and it answered all of my questions.

Here's a link to the post:

Her writing is mesmerising, her storytelling is incredible and that's when I understood what everyone was talking about. Those authors who you just want to know everything about, and want to read everything they write because one book or series immediately pulled you in. I kind of understand that now. And I'll still say those are my two favourite authors, and I hope to God they come out with some new books, and ASAP.

Who are your 'auto-buy authors' and why? I'd love to find more amazing authors!

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