

Booktube-A-Thon is over! (YAY!)

I failed.


Noo I'm just kidding. I did fail, but I feel I need to explain myself.
I read a total of 4 books during the booktubeathon - so I didn't do too badly.

These are the challenges I completed with those 4 books.

A book with blue on the cover & I'm sure, someone else's favourite book. Twas also the last book I acquired on my kindle. Read a book you really want to read (who doesn't want to read HP?)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Finish a book without letting go of it & also blue on the cover!
One - Sarah Crossan 

So basically,  by reading one book... I did nearly all of the challenges - pretty sure I nearly read the Philosopher's Stone in one go too (nearly).

But I also read: 
Say Her Name - James Dawson 
Into Darkness - Hayley Barrett  (which also has blue on the cover)

Does it count if I did one challenge with 2 books? That's 2 points right? Whatever.

I've decided that readathons are not for me, there's way too much pressure and I definitely could have read a lot more if I wasn't participating, than what I did when I was. That makes sense right? Next year, I'll watch rather than play!

How did you do? Did you complete all the challenges? 

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