

Winter - Marissa Meyer (Lunar Chronicles #4)

Winter - Marissa Meyer 
I won't include a synopsis, for those who haven't yet read the first three books in the series. For this reason, I will hide the entire review, in order not to spoil the first three books. If you haven't read Cinder, Scarlet or Cress- you should go and pick them up immediately, because they're the best books and you're missing out.

Right, click the Read More button to see the review, but beware of possible spoilers for Cinder, Scarlet and Cress. You have been warned. 

This is the first book I ever pre-ordered, and I'm jolly glad I did, because I loved it. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. Now of course, there were some 'eye-roll' moments, but then I remembered this is both a fairytale retelling and a young adult book, so those moments are inevitable.

The plot of this book is amazing, I loved each and every character a lot more than I previously did, although my favourites have now been confirmed (Iko, Thorne, Cress and Winter). The character development from the first book onto the last, especially for Cinder was amazing, it seemed as realistic as it was ever going to be.

Winter as a character was amazing, I wanted to read more about her, I wanted to know a lot more of her life, I think she's one of the most interesting characters in the whole series, I couldn't have hoped for a better character. Still don't know what to think of Jacin though. There's a problem.

Scarlet and Wolf have always been my least favourite couple of the series, that's no secret so I didn't feel bad when bad things happened to either of them and I didn't really enjoy it when things went their way either, it's terrible I know. I definitely think I would have preferred Scarlet to be more independent and not have her love interest, but what kind of fairytale would that be?

Levana. Oh Levana. After reading Fairest, I didn't know what to think, but this book just confirmed it all. I can't even begin to explain my hatred for her, I just don't even know how someone could have gotten so bad, no matter what happened in their past. I just wanted her to go away, but she was too damn powerful and I got overly frustrated whilst reading the parts involving her, which *might I add* was most of the book. I loved and hated it at the same time. It was so dramatic and suspenceful, it was cunning and I honestly wanted to see more damage from her, because it was interesting and kept my emotions alive, but I also wanted Cinder & co to win and have their happily ever after so I loved that balance of good and bad things happening all the time.

Thorne definitely became my favourite character of all in this book, his lines, his speeches, just everything about him made me swoon.

I really enjoyed reading this, although it did take me longer than I was hoping to finish it *damn you university!* but regardless of that, it was by far the best book I've read this year and a fantastic end to one of my favourite series of all time. I'm both happy and sad we've had the finale and I can't wait for Marissa Meyer to write and release more books because I honestly love her writing and her imagination. What a talented author! I can't praise this enough, I gave it 5* on Goodreads and URGE you all to pick it up and read it as soon as possible.

Have you finished Winter yet, what were your thoughts?

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