

The ULTIMATE Book Tag!

Hello guys! So I'm sitting in my uni room, pretty much staring at walls because I have nothing else to do and decided to do a tag. I love doing tags, they're so much fun. Plus I haven't finished any books so I have nothing to review. :) This tag was created by Chapter Chicks a while ago I believe, so go check that out!

I'm just gonna jump right in. Ready? Set? GO!

1. Do you get sick while reading in the car?
Yes, always. I get a major headache even if I'm texting or just generally looking down. I never read in the car, wish I could though!

2. Which author's writing style is completely unique to you and why?
John Green and David Levithan have really similar writing styles and when I first discovered them, I was like 'What?! This isn't how we were taught to write in English!!' but I eventually found out that different writing styles were a thing and grew to love them.

3. Harry Potter Series or the Twilight Saga? Give 3 points to defend your answer.
Do I even need to say? Harry Potter over ANYTHING. 
1. Wizards and magic.
2. Hogwarts
3. Hermione Granger.

Nuff said.

4. Do you carry a book bag? If so, what is it in (besides books...)?
I carry a handbag, usually with random receipts, my purse, glasses case, hand cream, lipsticks/balms, and honestly just junk that I don't really need. Also my laptop if I'm going to lectures.

5. Do you smell your books?
I do, and they smell delicious.

6. Books with or without little illustrations?
I've never been a fan of illustrated books, I just like words. I don't care if there are illustrations but I tend not to look at them anyway. I'm awful.

7. What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn't quality writing? 
Twilight is the obvious one. I loved Twilight when I read it, but wouldn't touch it with a barge pole now. Hmm, I'd have to say The Mortal Instruments series was pretty poorly written. It could have been a lot better, but I really enjoyed it whilst reading it! 

8. Do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood? Please share!

I honestly don't really remember anything. I mean, I have a story.. but it's more tragic than funny. Okay, I'll share.

When I was about 7, I got the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix hardcopy US edition as a gift, but then I had no idea what Harry Potter was and I wasn't really interested in it. So I decided to take the dust jacket off, and write all over the front cover of the book. It's tragic. Honestly. I hate myself for that. I still have that book, and I'm looking for a dust jacket to cover it, but can't find one without buying the entire book again. It's a truly disgusting situation to be in.

9. What is the thinnest book on your shelf?
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck. It's tiny.

10. What is the thickest book on your shelf?
Either A Game of Thrones - George R R Martin, Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyers or OOTP - JK Rowling. You tell me which is thicker.

11. Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself in the future as being an author?
I can't write stories. I'm not creative, I don't have the patience to do it so I'd never want to be an author. I wouldn't say my writing is bad, it's not great but it could be a lot worse. I'm pretty good at writing essays, so I guess that counts. Right?

12. When did you get into reading?
I've loved reading ever since I remember, but I do tend to go through phases where I read a lot and then don't pick up a book for months at a time.

13. What is your favorite classic book?
Animal Farm - George Orwell. It was 1984, but I'm slowly beginning to realise that I enjoyed Animal Farm way more. Plus, those (other than Of Mice and Men - is that even a classic?!) are the only classics I've read. Oops.

14. In school was your best subject Language Arts/English?
Before A-Levels, I'd say my best subject was History, with English coming a close second.

15. If you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated...what would you do?
I'd accept it and put it on my shelf. I'm a hoarder, I like pretty books.

16. What is a lesser known series that you know of that is similar to Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?
Probably Legend - Marie Lu. I absolutely adored that series, and it's pretty similar to the Hunger Games. Ok not really, it's a trilogy. But it's still good and definitely has the potential to blow up like THG did!

17. What is a bad habit you always do?
I've got loads. My worst habit is probably starting a bunch of books, reading a page and then leaving them. I have no guilt, no shame. I don't care.

18. What is your favorite word?
I used to have loads, I'd always be like "Omg that's the best word, it's my favourite now". Do you think I can remember any of them? I'm sure there's one though.

19. Are you a nerd, dork, or dweeb? Or all of the above?
Nah I'm pretty cool. (As if)

20. Vampires or Fairies? Why?
After reading ACOTAR, my love for fairies has kind of grown and I don't mind them now. I've gone off vampires so badly. A book with vampires in it, makes me literally run for the hills.

21. Shapeshifters or Angels? Why?
Can I choose neither? I'll go with Angels. I've read books with Angels. They're okay. Meh.

22. Spirits or Werewolves? Why?
Spirits are spooky and I love spooky books.

23. Zombies or Vampires?
Neither. Please. I've never read a book with zombies, not sure if I want to either. And vampires. Again, no.

24. Love Triangle or Forbidden Love?
Forbidden love. Always. No idea why, it's just interesting. Although love triangles, when done really well, can bring a lot of drama and I like drama. I like those explosive, heartbreaking love triangle stories.

25. AND FINALLY: Full on romance books or action-packed with a few love scenes mixed in?
I like both, I tend to go through phases where I need my romance books, but the majority of the time I try and stay away from them. There are times when I just read nothing but romance, for weeks though. It's a little embarrassing. I love a bit of action, can't say no to that!


  1. I don't usually do many tags, but this looks like one I need to do! Does anyone say love triangle? Haha

    1. I love doing tags, this was a really fun one to do! Love triangle is better than saying threesome!

  2. I love Legend by Marie Lu also! Love this post! :)

    Katie @ The Queen of Teen Fiction
